When planning bathroom remodels, one of the questions we get asked is if the tub is necessary. Taking baths used to be the preferred way to clean oneself. Now they are seen as a luxury item that is rarely used but still an expected fixture in a bathroom.
If you’re trying to decide on including a bathtub in bathroom remodel, we’ve put together some of the pros and cons of doing so:
Pro: Tubs Can Add Resale Value To A Home
Many homebuyers need a tub in their house to bathe their kids and pets, so not having a tub may make them choose a different home to purchase. Plus, if you have a big, luxurious tub with all the bells and whistles that wow a potential homebuyer, it could add value to your home.

Con: Tubs Can Be Expensive
Let’s be clear. Standard bathtubs that double as a shower are quite affordable. In fact, we recommend that you have at least one of these in your home. It doesn’t have to be in the master bath.
But if you’re thinking about a large soaking tub or jetted spa for your master bath, you could be looking at a large investment.
If you will truly enjoy it, then it can be worth every penny. But if you think your master bath will just gather dust, you might want to allocate those funds to a custom shower.
Pro: Soaking In A Tub After A Long Day Is Heavenly
Getting into a warm bubble bath and reading a book or scrolling on your phone in peace is an amazing way to wind down after a long day. Soaking in a warm bath is a great way to relax your worn-out muscles if you’re an athlete.
Either way, a nice, long soak in a tub is the pinnacle of relaxation.

Con: Tubs Take Up A Lot Of Space
If you have a small bathroom, you may not have enough room for a bathtub. If you have to sacrifice a bathtub that is not used very often for a larger shower or more closet space, it may be better to choose the one that will get used most often.
Going without a tub can leave you more space for a large walk-in shower that has become the more popular and often more practical remodel choice.
Pro: Tubs Create A Design Focal Point
While a pedestal tub may be expensive, they are gorgeous and can be the focal point of your bathroom. You can position the tub under a large window and hang a chandelier above it to dress up your bathroom.
There are also so many different colors and designs to choose from, giving your bathroom character and the unique design element you desire.

Con: Bathtubs Are Not Practical For Everyone
For people with limited mobility, a bathtub does not make sense. If you or someone in your home is unable to climb in and out of the tub, there is no reason to install one since it won’t get used at all.
Just remember, we’re talking about your home, so do what’s best for you and your lifestyle. Even if you only take a bath every once in a great while, it is worth having a tub.
For more design and remodeling questions, give us a call!