Our focus this month on the T.W. Ellis blog is the steps to take before you get started on your remodel. So far, we’ve offered advice on preparing your home for your remodel, budgeting and why hiring a certified remodeler will help the project go more smoothly.

Our final topic of the month is how to help your pets during a remodeling project. We know your furry friends are an important part of your family. We also know that most animals don’t like change. Dogs and cats are the most likely to have a negative reaction and are, of course, the most common types of pets. So most of our advice applies to them, but any animal can benefit from taking these steps.
1. Discuss with your remodeler
As part of our discussions before we even start on your project, we’re going to talk about specific issues, including pets in the home. It’s important to make sure your remodeler knows all about your pets and any special concerns you may have.
2. Find a separate space
The last thing you (or your remodeler) is going to want is for the pets to be underfoot during the project. It’s unsafe for the pets and unsafe for the workers. With that in mind, you’ll need to make sure your pets are kept in a separate part of the home. If the area being renovated can be sealed off from the rest of the home, that’s the best solution for you and your pets. If that’s not possible, you’ll want to find a room that you can keep them in during the day. For those pets that will accept it, a crate or cage will help make sure they don’t damage the room they are confined in.
It may be best for particularly sensitive pets to temporarily stay with friends or family, or have it boarded.
3. Introduce your contractor
If your pet is friendly enough, it’s a good idea to introduce them to the people who will be working on your home. Even though they will be in another part of the house, having a chance to meet may help them get used to the voices and scents of the team.
4. Prepare ahead of time
Do your pets normally eat or sleep in or near the area being remodeled? You’ll want to move their food bowl, bed, litter box, etc., to another part of the home. Make that move several days before the project starts to get them used to the change before adding the disruption of remodeling.
5. Keep to a routine
If you normally walk or play with the pet at a certain time of day, try to keep to that same schedule. Keep to the usual feeding schedule and aim to maintain the usual routine. Try to avoid making changes like switching foods as well.
6. Have your pet chipped and collared
The goal of these changes is to make it unlikely your pet is going to get spooked and run away from home. But no matter what you do, that may happen. If you haven’t had your pet microchipped, consider doing that to make it easier to find them if they do get out. Make sure your pets are wearing collars with up-to-date tags and contact information.
At T.W. Ellis, it is important to us that every member of your family, including the feathered and furry ones, have a good experience when we are working on your home. Contact us today to find out what we can do to help you with your next project!